
Namaz ki haqiqat by Molana Tariq Jameel | Maulana Tariq Jameel 2016

2016-05-23 142 Dailymotion

Namaz ki haqiqat by Molana Tariq Jameel | Maulana Tariq Jameel 2016
Video Linked: https://youtu.be/gfKGQaxwrEQ

Maulana Tariq Jameel was born on 1 January 1953. Molana Tariq Jameel is one of the best islamic scholar in the world. Mualana Tariq Jamil bayan are very popular in Muslim and non Muslim community all over the world.
Tariq Jameel sab recived his islamic education from Raiwind near Lahore. Molana Tariq Jameel always gives lectures to creat unity among Muslim Ummah. Tairq Jameel is one of the islamic scholar who is popular in all sects.
I always get motivated by listing Tairq Jameel sab bayans. Thousands of people get right path after listing molana tariq jameel bayans. Our main mission is to spread tariq jameel bayans so people listen them and know the true path of Islam. We never use any copyrighted material but any body found something wrong please tell us on youtube via Message.

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